Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year, New Goals.

It has been quite a while since I posted an update here.
Instead of actually updating this though I am going to turn this blog in a new direction. My household has decided that we are going to become healthier. We are changing our eating habits, working out, just all around trying to get on track with a healthy lifestyle.
Katie and I as well as our two roommates, Jordan and Mistylynn, will be doing this together. We have a juicer and have found recipes we are wanting to try. We plan on substituting two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) with juice and then having a healthy dinner.
This morning, Monday December 30th 2013, Misty, Katie and I weighed ourselves and took our measurements. I may post what my weight and measurements are in the next post so that I can genuinely document my progress. Lets just say that my current weight is over 200 and my goal weight is under.
On top of juicing and eating healthier we will of course be implementing exercise into the process. We are starting slow with walking and will gradually work our way up from there we also plan to do Zumba a few times a week.
I will probably post a before pic with my weight and measurements on the next post. (possibly tonight or tomorrow)
Feel free to follow us on this journey and if you have any suggestions for us leave them in the comments below.